Stakeholder’s Meeting: Shaping the Future of Mustard Seed House for Patients and Families

Stakeholders’ Meeting: Shaping the Future of Mustard Seed House for Patients and Families

On Saturday, April 8, 2023, Faith Aid organized a stakeholder meeting at the Willis Hotel in Bomet, Kenya to gather valuable feedback and input on the Mustard Seed House and its expansion plans. The meeting was attended by a diverse group of stakeholders, including staff from Tenwek Hospital, community leaders, missionary doctors from abroad, chaplains, members of the Mission Team from Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church in Ashburn, Virginia, as well as multiple members of the Faith Aid USA and Faith Aid Kenya Board of Directors.

Jacob Fraher, President of Faith Aid, addressing the Mustard Seed House stakeholders

The agenda commenced with a warm welcome from Omega Rwaichi, followed by an opening prayer led by Dominic Kipkoech. Betsy Henderson facilitated introductions, ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to get acquainted with one another. Omega Rwaichi then provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s background and purpose, highlighting the growth of the Mustard Seed House from a 3-bedroom rented house in January 2021 to the opening of a second 3-bedroom house in June 2023. The construction of a permanent facility in 2024 was also outlined.

During the meeting, the facilitators encouraged active participation and engagement from the attendees. A continuous improvement exercise was conducted, allowing stakeholders to provide their valuable insights on what aspects of the Mustard Seed House should be dropped, added, kept, or improved. This exercise aimed to enhance the services and offerings of the Mustard Seed House through collaborative input.

Omega Rwaichi, Director of Faith Aid Kenya, summarizing the background and purpose of Mustard Seed House

The facilitators also took the opportunity to share Mustard Seed House contact information with the attendees. This step was taken to ensure that if anyone encountered a child or family in need of accommodation while receiving treatment at Tenwek Hospital, they would know how to promptly provide the necessary assistance and support.

The impact and purpose of Mustard Seed House at Tenwek Hospital were summarized during the meeting. It serves as a vital resource for children and their families who require accommodation while receiving medical care. The Mustard Seed House offers social, human, and spiritual aid, ministering to the needs of the patients and their parents. It plays a significant role in providing timely help and facilitating follow-up appointments, ensuring that patients do not have to wait for extended periods. Moreover, Mustard Seed House has created a loving and welcoming environment, offering hospitality and support to all who seek its services.

The meeting concluded with a shared meal, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among the attendees. Additionally, a smaller group embarked on a visit to the future location of the Mustard Seed House. There, they dedicated the 3-acre property to the Glory of God, expressing gratitude for His provision and seeking His continued guidance and blessings as they strive to create a space that will serve patients from all over Africa who seek treatment at Tenwek Hospital.

Overall, the stakeholder meeting proved to be a fruitful platform for collaboration, gathering valuable feedback, and solidifying the commitment to the Mustard Seed House’s expansion and its impactful role in supporting patients and families in need at Tenwek Hospital.