Orthopedic Compassion

Orthopedic Compassion

Faith Aid’s Orthopedic Compassion Program directly funds life-changing orthopedic care for the neediest Kenyan patients in Jesus’ name.

The Orthopedic Compassion Program improves orthopedic access to underserved communities in Kenya by providing financial assistance to those who cannot afford essential orthopedic care. Without this support, the poorest Kenyan people, often face debilitating consequences, such as chronic pain, immobility, and permanent disability.

Access to orthopedic care can be life-changing, restoring mobility, alleviating pain, and enabling individuals, including children, to lead more productive and fulfilling lives.

We need your help.

Your donation to the Orthopedic Compassion Program can immediately impact lives, directly providing essential orthopedic care to those in need in Kenya. Join us now in sharing the love of Christ with the neediest patients.

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